Source code for edifice.extra.matplotlib_figure

from __future__ import annotations

import typing as tp

from edifice.base_components.base_components import CommandType, QtWidgetElement
from edifice.qt import QT_VERSION

if QT_VERSION == "PyQt6":

from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qtagg import FigureCanvasQTAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

    from matplotlib.backend_bases import MouseEvent

    from edifice.engine import PropsDiff

[docs] class MatplotlibFigure(QtWidgetElement[FigureCanvasQTAgg]): """ A **matplotlib** `Figure <>`_. Requires `matplotlib <>`_. .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`edifice.QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: plot_fun: Function which takes **matplotlib** `Axes <>`_ and calls `Axes.plot <>`_. on_figure_mouse_move: Handler for mouse move `MouseEvent <>`_. .. rubric:: Usage .. code-block:: python from matplotlib.axes import Axes import numpy as np from edifice.extra import MatplotlibFigure def plot_fun(ax:Axes): time_range = np.linspace(-10, 10, num=120) ax.plot(time_range, np.sin(time_range)) MatplotlibFigure(plot_fun=plot_fun) """
[docs] def __init__( self, plot_fun: tp.Callable[[Axes], None], on_figure_mouse_move: tp.Callable[[MouseEvent], None] | None = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "plot_fun": plot_fun, "on_figure_mouse_move": on_figure_mouse_move, }, ) self.underlying: FigureCanvasQTAgg | None = None self.subplots: Axes | None = None self.current_plot_fun: tp.Callable[[Axes], None] | None = None self.on_mouse_move_connect_id: int | None = None
def _qt_update_commands(self, widget_trees, diff_props: PropsDiff): if self.underlying is None: # Default to maximum figsize # Constrain the Figure by putting it in a smaller View, it will resize itself correctly. self.underlying = FigureCanvasQTAgg(Figure(figsize=(16.0, 16.0))) self.subplots = tp.cast(Axes, self.underlying.figure.subplots()) # TODO is this cast valid? assert self.underlying is not None assert self.subplots is not None commands = super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying, None) match diff_props.get("plot_fun"): case _, propnew: def _command_plot_fun(self, propnew=propnew): self.current_plot_fun = tp.cast(tp.Callable[[Axes], None], propnew) self.subplots.clear() self.current_plot_fun(self.subplots) self.underlying.draw() # alternately we could do draw_idle() here, but I don't think it's # any better and it messes up the mouse events. commands.append(CommandType(_command_plot_fun, self)) match diff_props.get("on_figure_mouse_move"): case _, propnew: def _command_mouse_move(self, propnew=propnew): # if self.on_mouse_move_connect_id is not None: self.underlying.mpl_disconnect(self.on_mouse_move_connect_id) if propnew is not None: self.on_mouse_move_connect_id = self.underlying.mpl_connect( "motion_notify_event", propnew, ) else: self.on_mouse_move_connect_id = None commands.append(CommandType(_command_mouse_move, self)) return commands