Source code for edifice.extra.numpy_image

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generic, TypeVar

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from edifice.qt import QT_VERSION

if QT_VERSION == "PyQt6" and not TYPE_CHECKING:
    from PyQt6 import QtCore
    from PyQt6.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap
    from PySide6 import QtCore  # noqa: TC002
    from PySide6.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap

import edifice as ed
from edifice.base_components.image_aspect import _image_descriptor_to_pixmap, _ScaledLabel
from edifice.engine import CommandType, _WidgetTree

T_Numpy_Array_co = TypeVar("T_Numpy_Array_co", bound=np.generic, covariant=True)

[docs] class NumpyArray(Generic[T_Numpy_Array_co]): """Wrapper for one `numpy.ndarray <>`_. This wrapper class provides the :code:`__eq__` relation for the wrapped :code:`numpy` array such that if two wrapped arrays are :code:`__eq__`, then one can be substituted for the other. This class may be used as a **prop** or a **state**. Args: np_array: A `numpy.ndarray <>`_. """ np_array: npt.NDArray[T_Numpy_Array_co]
[docs] def __init__(self, np_array: npt.NDArray[T_Numpy_Array_co]) -> None: super().__init__() self.dtype = np_array.dtype self.np_array = np_array
def __eq__(self, other: NumpyArray[T_Numpy_Array_co]) -> bool: # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 return np.array_equal(self.np_array, other.np_array, equal_nan=True)
[docs] def NumpyArray_to_QImage(arr: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] | NumpyArray[np.uint8]) -> QImage: """Function to convert :code:`numpy` arrays into QImages. The provided array should have a shape of: * (height, width) * (height, width, 1) * (height, width, 3) * (height, width, 4) Args: arr: One of: * A `NDArray of type uint8 <>`_. * A `NumpyArray of type uint8 <>`_. Returns: A `QImage <>`_. """ if isinstance(arr, NumpyArray): arr = arr.np_array match arr.shape: case (height, width): arr = np.repeat(arr[:, :, None], 3, axis=-1) return QImage(, width, height, 3 * width, QImage.Format.Format_RGB888) case (height, width, 1): arr = np.repeat(arr, 3, axis=-1) return QImage(, width, height, 3 * width, QImage.Format.Format_RGB888) case (height, width, channel): if not (3 <= channel <= 4): raise ValueError(f"Numpy array with {channel} channels cannot be converted into a QImage.") return QImage(, width, height, channel * width, QImage.Format.Format_RGB888 if channel == 3 else QImage.Format.Format_RGBA8888, ) case _: raise ValueError(f"Numpy array with shape {arr.shape} cannot be converted into a QImage.")
[docs] class NumpyImage(ed.QtWidgetElement): """Render a :code:`numpy` array as an image. Requres `numpy <>`_. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Widget `QLabel <>`_ .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`edifice.QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: src: A :class:`NumpyArray` wrapping a :code:`numpy.ndarray` of :code:`uint8`. Allowed shapes: * :code:`(height, width)` * :code:`(height, width, 1)` * :code:`(height, width, 3)` * :code:`(height, width, 4)` aspect_ratio_mode: The aspect ratio mode of the image. * :code:`None` for a fixed image which doesn’t scale. * An `AspectRatioMode <>`_ to specify how the image should scale. """
[docs] def __init__( self, src: NumpyArray[np.uint8], aspect_ratio_mode: None | QtCore.Qt.AspectRatioMode = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "src": src, "aspect_ratio_mode": aspect_ratio_mode, }, ) self.underlying: _ScaledLabel | None = None
def _initialize(self): self.underlying = _ScaledLabel() self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[ed.Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: ed.PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() assert self.underlying is not None def _render_image(src: NumpyArray[np.uint8]) -> QPixmap: qimage = NumpyArray_to_QImage(src) return _image_descriptor_to_pixmap(qimage) commands = super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying, None) match diff_props.get("src"): case _, propnew: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying._setPixmap, _render_image(propnew))) match diff_props.get("aspect_ratio_mode"): case _, propnew: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying._setAspectRatioMode, propnew)) return commands