Source code for edifice.extra.pyqtgraph_plot

import typing as tp

from edifice.engine import CommandType, PropsDiff, QtWidgetElement

# Import PySide6 or PyQt6 before importing pyqtgraph so that pyqtgraph detects the same
from edifice.qt import QT_VERSION

if QT_VERSION == "PyQt6" and not tp.TYPE_CHECKING:

import pyqtgraph as pg

[docs] class PyQtPlot(QtWidgetElement[pg.PlotWidget]): # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 """ A **PyQtGraph** `PlotWidget <>`_. Requires `PyQtGraph <>`_. .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`edifice.QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: plot_fun: Function which takes a **PyQtGraph** `PlotItem <>`_ and calls `plot() <>`_. Edifice will call `clear() <>`_ before calling :code:`plot_fun`. .. rubric:: Usage .. important:: It’s important to import **edifice** before importing **pyqtgraph**, so that **pyqtgraph** `detects the same PyQt6 or PySide6 <>`_ package used by **edifice**. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from edifice import View, component from edifice.extra import PyQtPlot import pyqtgraph as pg @component def Component(self): def plot_fun(plot_item: pg.PlotItem): xs = np.linspace(-10, 10, 100) ys = np.sin(xs) plot_item.plot(x=xs, y=ys) PyQtPlot(plot_fun=plot_fun) If you want a non-interactive plot that doesn’t respond to the mouse, you can disable mouse interaction with the plot by setting properties on the `PlotItem <>`_. .. code-block:: python :caption: Disable mouse interaction def plot_fun(plot_item: pg.PlotItem): plot_item.setMouseEnabled(x=False, y=False) plot_item.hideButtons() ... A more complete way to disable mouse interaction is to set the :code:`PlotWidget` to be transparent for mouse events. .. code-block:: python :caption: Disable mouse interaction def plot_fun(plot_item: pg.PlotItem): cast( pg.PlotWidget, plot_item.getViewWidget() ).setAttribute(PySide6.QtCore.Qt.WidgetAttribute.WA_TransparentForMouseEvents) """
[docs] def __init__(self, plot_fun: tp.Callable[[pg.PlotItem], None], **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "plot_fun": plot_fun, }, )
def _qt_update_commands(self, widget_trees, diff_props: PropsDiff): if self.underlying is None: self.underlying = pg.PlotWidget() commands = super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying) # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 match diff_props.get("plot_fun"): case _, propnew: plot_fun = tp.cast(tp.Callable[[pg.PlotItem], None], propnew) plot_widget = tp.cast(pg.PlotWidget, self.underlying) plot_item = tp.cast(pg.PlotItem, plot_widget.getPlotItem()) def _update_plot(plot_item=plot_item, plot_fun=plot_fun): plot_item.clear() plot_fun(plot_item) commands.append(CommandType(_update_plot)) return commands