Source code for edifice.run_subprocess_with_callback

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import dataclasses
import typing
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from multiprocessing import Manager
from multiprocessing.context import SpawnContext

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    import queue

_T_subprocess = typing.TypeVar("_T_subprocess")
_P_callback = typing.ParamSpec("_P_callback")

class _EndProcess:

class _ExceptionWrapper:
    ex: BaseException

def _run_subprocess(
    subprocess: typing.Callable[[typing.Callable[_P_callback, None]], typing.Awaitable[_T_subprocess]],
    qup: queue.Queue,  # type of Queue?
) -> _T_subprocess | _ExceptionWrapper:
    subloop = asyncio.new_event_loop()

    async def work() -> _T_subprocess | _ExceptionWrapper:

            def _run_callback(*args: _P_callback.args, **kwargs: _P_callback.kwargs) -> None:
                qup.put((args, kwargs))

            r = await subprocess(_run_callback)

            # It would be nice if the subprocess could be cancelled
            # by .cancel() so it it could have a chance to handle CancelledError
            # and clean up before it gets .terminate()ed.
            # But we have to ask: what if the subprocess is blocked?
            # Making blocking I/O calls in a subprocess should be supported
            # and encouranged. That's the whole point of using a subprocess.
            # So I think the best and simplest thing to do is to terminate
            # on cancellation.

        except BaseException as e:  # noqa: BLE001
            return _ExceptionWrapper(e)
            return r

    return subloop.run_until_complete(work())

[docs] async def run_subprocess_with_callback( subprocess: typing.Callable[[typing.Callable[_P_callback, None]], typing.Awaitable[_T_subprocess]], callback: typing.Callable[_P_callback, None], ) -> _T_subprocess: """ Run an async :code:`subprocess` in a `ProcessPoolExecutor <>`_ and return the result. The advantage of :func:`run_subprocess_with_callback` is that it behaves well and cleans up properly in the event of exceptions and `cancellation <>`_. This function is useful for a long-running parallel worker subprocess for which we want to report progress back to the main GUI event loop. Like *pytorch* stuff. Args: subprocess: The async function to run in a `ProcessPoolExecutor <>`_. The :code:`subprocess` function will run in a sub-process in a new event loop. This :code:`subprocess` function takes a single argument: a function with the same type as the :code:`callback` function. The :code:`subprocess` function must be picklable. callback: The :code:`callback` function to pass to the :code:`subprocess` when it starts. This function will run in the main process event loop. All of the arguments to the :code:`callback` function must be picklable. The :code:`subprocess` will be started when :func:`run_subprocess_with_callback` is entered, and the :code:`subprocess` is guaranteed to be terminated when :func:`run_subprocess_with_callback` completes. The :code:`subprocess` will be started with the `'spawn' start method <>`_, so it will not inherit any file handles from the calling process. While the :code:`subprocess` is running, it may call the supplied :code:`callback` function. The :code:`callback` function will run in the main event loop of the calling process. If this async :func:`run_subprocess_with_callback` function is `cancelled <>`_, the :code:`subprocess` will be terminated by calling `Process.terminate() <>`_. Termination of the :code:`subprocess` will occur even if the :code:`subprocess` is blocked. Note that :code:`CancelledError` will not be raised in the :code:`subprocess`, instead the :code:`subprocess` will be terminated immediately. If you want to perform sudden cleanup and halt of the :code:`subprocess` then send it a message as in the below “Example of Queue messaging.” Exceptions raised in the :code:`subprocess` will be re-raised from :func:`run_subprocess_with_callback`. Exceptions raised in the :code:`callback` will be suppressed. .. code-block:: python :caption: Example async def my_subprocess(callback: Callable[[int], None]) -> str: # This function will run in a subprocess in a new event loop. callback(1) await asyncio.sleep(1) callback(2) await asyncio.sleep(1) callback(3) return "done" def my_callback(x:int) -> None: # This function will run in the main process event loop. print(f"callback {x}") async def main() -> None: y = await run_subprocess_with_callback(my_subprocess, my_callback) # If this main() function is cancelled while awaiting the # subprocess then the subprocess will be terminated. print(f"my_subprocess returned {y}") .. note:: Because “only picklable objects can be executed” by a `ProcessPoolExecutor <>`_, we cannot pass a local function as the :code:`subprocess`. The best workaround is to define at the module top-level a :code:`subprocess` function which takes all its parameters as arguments, and then use `functools.partial <>`_ to bind local values to the :code:`subprocess` parameters. The :code:`callback` does not have this problem; we can pass a local function as the :code:`callback`. The :func:`run_subprocess_with_callback` function provides a :code:`callback` function for messaging back up to the main process, but it does not provide a built-in way to message down to the subprocess. To accomplish this we can create and pass a messaging object to the :code:`subprocess`, for example a `multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager.Queue <>`_. .. code-block:: python :caption: Example of Queue messaging from the main process to the subprocess async def my_subprocess( # This function will run in a subprocess in a new event loop. queue: queue.Queue[str], callback: typing.Callable[[int], None], ) -> str: while (msg := queue.get()) != "finish": callback(len(msg)) return "done" async def main() -> None: with multiprocessing.Manager() as manager: msg_queue: queue.Queue[str] = manager.Queue() def local_callback(x:int) -> None: # This function will run in the main process event loop. print(f"callback {x}") async def send_messages() -> None: msg_queue.put("one") msg_queue.put("finish") y, _ = await asyncio.gather( run_subprocess_with_callback( functools.partial(my_subprocess, msg_queue), local_callback, ), send_messages()) ) print(f"my_subprocess returned {y}") """ with ( # # “corresponds to a spawned child process” Manager() as manager, # We must have 2 parallel workers. Therefore 2 ProcessPoolExecutors. ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=1, mp_context=SpawnContext()) as executor_sub, ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=1, mp_context=SpawnContext()) as executor_queue, ): try: qup: queue.Queue = manager.Queue() loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() subtask = loop.run_in_executor(executor_sub, _run_subprocess, subprocess, qup) async def get_messages() -> None: while type(i := (await loop.run_in_executor(executor_queue, qup.get))) is not _EndProcess: try: callback(*(i[0]), **(i[1])) # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 except: # noqa: PERF203, S110, E722 # We have to suppress callback exceptions because # asyncio.gather will not cancel the subtask if the # callback raises an exception. # # We cannot use TaskGroup because we require Python 3.10. pass retval, _ = await asyncio.gather(subtask, get_messages()) match retval: case _ExceptionWrapper(ex): raise ex # noqa: TRY301 case _: return retval return retval # noqa: TRY300 except BaseException: # including asyncio.CancelledError # We must terminate the process pool workers because cancelling the # loop.run_in_executor() call will not terminate the workers. for process in executor_sub._processes.values(): # if process.is_alive(): process.terminate() process.join() for process in executor_queue._processes.values(): # if process.is_alive(): process.terminate() process.join() raise