
class edifice.SpinInput(value=0, min_value=0, max_value=100, on_change=None, value_to_text=None, text_to_value=None, single_step=1, enable_mouse_scroll=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: QtWidgetElement[EdSpinBox]

Widget for a int input value with up/down buttons.

Allows the user to choose an int by clicking the up/down buttons or pressing up/down on the keyboard to increase/decrease the value currently displayed. The user can also type the value in manually.


All props for QtWidgetElement plus:

  • value (int) – Value of the text input.

  • min_value (int) – Minimum value of the text input.

  • max_value (int) – Maximum value of the text input.

  • on_change (Optional[Callable[[int], None]]) – Callback for when the value changes. The callback is passed the changed value.

  • value_to_text (Optional[Callable[[int], str]]) – Function to convert the value to a text. If not provided, the default text conversion is used.

  • text_to_value (Optional[Callable[[str], Union[int, Literal[<State.Intermediate: 1>, <State.Invalid: 0>]]]]) –

    Function to convert the text to a value. If not provided, the default text conversion is used.

    The function should return one of

    • int value if the text is valid.

    • QValidator.State.Intermediate if the text might be valid with more input.

    • QValidator.State.Invalid if the text is invalid.

    See QValidator.State.

    (At the time of this writing, the PySide6.QValidator.State Enum cannot be correctly typechecked as a Literal by Pyright for some reason.)

  • single_step (int) – The value step size for the up/down buttons.

  • enable_mouse_scroll (bool) – Whether mouse scroll events should be able to change the value.


__init__([value, min_value, max_value, ...])


Registers provided Reference to this Element.


Set the key of an Element.



The children of this Element.


The props of this Element.


The underlying QWidget, which may not exist if this Element has not rendered.