
edifice.provide_context(context_key, initial_state)[source]#

Context state provider Hook for prop drilling.

Provides similar features to React useContext.

  • context_key (str) – Identifier for a shared context.

  • initial_state (Union[TypeVar(_T_provide_context), Callable[[], TypeVar(_T_provide_context)]]) – The initial state value or initializer function.

Return type:

tuple[TypeVar(_T_provide_context), Callable[[Union[TypeVar(_T_provide_context), Callable[[TypeVar(_T_provide_context)], TypeVar(_T_provide_context)]]], None]]


A tuple pair containing

  1. The current state value for the given context_key.

  2. A setter function for setting or updating the state value.

Use this Hook to transmit state without passing the state down through the props to a child @component using use_context().

provide_context() is called with a context_key and an initial value. It returns a state value and a setter function. The initial value, state value and setter function behave exactly like the ones documented in use_state().

The context_key must be unique for each provide_context() Hook.

The setter function will, when called, update the state value across each @component using use_context() with the same context_key.

Example provide_context, use_context#
def ContextChild(self):
    x, x_setter = use_context("x_context_key", int)

        title=str(x) + "+1"
        on_click = lambda _event: x_setter(x + 1)

def ContextParent(self):
    x, _x_setter = provide_context("x_context_key", 0)

    with VBoxview():