
edifice.use_async(fn_coroutine, dependencies=())[source]#

Asynchronous side-effect Hook inside a @component function.

  • fn_coroutine (Callable[[], Coroutine[None, None, None]]) – Function of no arguments which returns an async Coroutine to be run as a Task.

  • dependencies (Any) – The fn_coroutine Task will be started when the dependencies are not __eq__ to the old dependencies.

Return type:

Callable[[], None]


A function which can be called to cancel the fn_coroutine Task manually.

Will create a new Task with the fn_coroutine coroutine.

The fn_coroutine will be called every time the dependencies change. Only one fn_coroutine will be allowed to run at a time.

Exceptions raised from the fn_coroutine will be suppressed.

For general advice about async programming in Python see Developing with asyncio.

use_async to fetch from the network#
def WordDefinition(self, word:str):
    definition, definition_set = use_state("")

    async def fetcher():
            definition_set("Fetch definition pending")
            x = await fetch_definition_from_the_internet(word)
        except asyncio.CancelledError:
            definition_set("Fetch definition cancelled")
        except Exception:
            defintion_set("Fetch definition failed")

    cancel_fetcher = use_async(fetcher, word)

    with VBoxView():
        Button(text="Cancel fetch", on_click=lambda _:cancel_fetcher())


Edifice will call cancel() on the async fn_coroutine Task in three situations:

  1. If the dependencies change before the fn_coroutine Task completes, then the fn_coroutine Task will be cancelled. Then the new fn_coroutine Task will be started after the old fn_coroutine Task completes.

  2. The use_async Hook returns a function which can be called to cancel the fn_coroutine Task manually. In the example above, the cancel_fetcher() function can be called to cancel the fetcher.

  3. If this @component is unmounted before the fn_coroutine Task completes, then the fn_coroutine Task will be cancelled.

Write your async fn_coroutine function in such a way that it cleans itself up after exceptions. If you catch a CancelledError in fn_coroutine then always re-raise it.

You may call a use_state() setter during a CancelledError exception. If the fn_coroutine Task was cancelled because the component is being unmounted, then the use_state() setter will have no effect.

See also Task Cancellation.


The use_async Hook is useful for timers and animation.

Here is an example busy-wait UI indicator which is a bit more visually subtle than Qt’s barbershop-pole QProgressBar with minimum=0, maximum=0.

BusyWaitIndicator component#
def BusyWaitIndicator(
    visible: bool = True,
    size: int | None = None,
    color: QColor | None = None,
    Animated busy wait indicator which looks like ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

    If not visible, will still occupy the same layout space but will be
    transparent and animation will not run.

    color_: QColor
    color_ = color if color else QApplication.palette().color(QPalette.ColorRole.Text)
    tick, tick_set = ed.use_state(0)

    async def animation():
        if visible:
            while True:
                await asyncio.sleep(0.2)
                tick_set(lambda t: (t + 1) % 5)

    ed.use_async(animation, visible)

    with ed.HBoxView(
        size_policy=QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Policy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Policy.Fixed),
        for i in range(0, 5):
                    "color": QColor(
                        40 + (((i - tick) % 5) * 20) if visible else 0,
                | {"font-size": size}
                if size
                else {},

Worker Process#

We can run an async def my_subprocess function in a worker Process by using run_subprocess_with_callback().

run_subprocess_with_callback() is good for spawing a parallel worker Process from a @component because if the @component is unmounted, then run_subprocess_with_callback() will be cancelled and the Process will be immediately terminated. Which is usually what we want.

use_async with run_subprocess_with_callback#
async def my_subprocess(callback: Callable[[str], None]) -> int:
    # This function will run in a new Process in a new event loop.
    callback("Starting long calculation")
    await asyncio.sleep(100.0)
    x = 1 + 2
    callback(f"Finished long calculation"))
    return x

def LongCalculator(self):
    calculation_progress, calculation_progress_set = ed.use_state("")

    def my_callback(progress: str) -> None:
        # This function will run in the main process event loop.

    async def run_my_subprocess() -> None:
            x = await run_subprocess_with_callback(my_subprocess, my_callback)
            calculation_progress_set(f"Result: {x}")
        except asyncio.CancelledError:
        except Exception as e:
            calculation_progress_set(f"Error: {str(e)}")

