Source code for edifice.base_components.base_components

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import importlib.resources
import logging
import re
import typing as tp

from typing_extensions import deprecated

import edifice.icons
from edifice.engine import (
from edifice.qt import QT_VERSION

ICONS = importlib.resources.files(edifice.icons)

if QT_VERSION == "PyQt6" and not tp.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from PyQt6 import QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, QtSvgWidgets, QtWidgets
    from PySide6 import QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, QtSvgWidgets, QtWidgets

logger = logging.getLogger("Edifice")

P = tp.ParamSpec("P")
_T_underlying = tp.TypeVar("_T_underlying", bound=QtWidgets.QWidget)

RGBAType = tuple[int, int, int, int]

def _get_image(path) -> QtGui.QPixmap:
    return QtGui.QPixmap(path)

def _image_descriptor_to_pixmap(inp: str | QtGui.QImage | QtGui.QPixmap) -> QtGui.QPixmap:
    if isinstance(inp, QtGui.QImage):
        return QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(inp)
    if isinstance(inp, QtGui.QPixmap):
        return inp
    # otherwise if isinstance(inp, str):
    return _get_image(inp)

def _get_svg_image_raw(icon_path, size: int) -> QtGui.QPixmap:
    svg_renderer = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer(icon_path)
    image = QtGui.QImage(size, size, QtGui.QImage.Format.Format_ARGB32)
    return QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(image)

def _get_svg_image(icon_path, size: int, rotation=0, color=(0, 0, 0, 255)) -> QtGui.QPixmap:
    pixmap = _get_svg_image_raw(icon_path, size)
    if color == (0, 0, 0, 255) and rotation == 0:
        return pixmap
    pixmap = pixmap.copy()
    if color != (0, 0, 0, 255):
        mask = pixmap.mask()
        pixmap.fill(QtGui.QColor(*color))  # TODO this messes up the alpha channel edges
    if rotation != 0:
        w, h = pixmap.width(), pixmap.height()
        pixmap = pixmap.transformed(QtGui.QTransform().rotate(rotation))
        new_w, new_h = pixmap.width(), pixmap.height()
        pixmap = pixmap.copy((new_w - w) // 2, (new_h - h) // 2, w, h)
    return pixmap

class GroupBox(QtWidgetElement[QtWidgets.QGroupBox]):
    # TODO GroupBox is busted. Should inherit from _LinearView.
    `QGroupBox <>`_

    def __init__(self, title: str):
                "title": title,

    def _initialize(self):
        self.underlying = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.props["title"])

    def _qt_update_commands(
        widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree],
        diff_props: PropsDiff,
        children = _get_widget_children(widget_trees, self)
        if self.underlying is None:
        assert self.underlying is not None
        if len(children) != 1:
            raise ValueError(f"GroupBox expects exactly 1 child, got {len(children)}")
        commands = super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying)
        child_underlying = children[0].underlying
        assert child_underlying is not None
        widget = tp.cast(QtWidgets.QGroupBox, self.underlying)
        commands.append(CommandType(child_underlying.setParent, self.underlying))
        commands.append(CommandType(widget.setTitle, self.props["title"]))
        return commands

[docs] @deprecated("Instead use ImageSvg") class Icon(QtWidgetElement[QtWidgets.QLabel]): """Display an Icon. .. warning:: Deprecated Instead use :class:`ImageSvg`. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Widget `QLabel <>`_ .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: name: name of the icon. Search for the name on,solid size: size of the icon. collection: the icon package. Currently only font-awesome is supported. sub_collection: for font awesome, either solid or regular color: the RGBA value for the icon color rotation: an angle (in degrees) for the icon rotation .. rubric:: Usage .. figure:: /image/icons.png :width: 300 Two icons Icons are central to modern-looking UI design. Edifice comes with the Font Awesome ( regular and solid icon sets, to save you time from looking up your own icon set. You can specify an icon simplify using its name (and optionally the sub_collection). .. code-block:: python :caption: Example classic share icon Icon(name="share") You can browse and search for icons here:,solid For full control of custom icons, use an :class:`ImageSvg` instead. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, size: int = 10, collection: str = "font-awesome", sub_collection: str = "solid", color: RGBAType = (0, 0, 0, 255), rotation: float = 0, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "name": name, "size": size, "collection": collection, "sub_collection": sub_collection, "color": color, "rotation": rotation, }, ) self._register_props(kwargs)
def _initialize(self): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) def _render_image(self, icon_path, size, color, rotation): assert self.underlying is not None pixmap = _get_svg_image(icon_path, size, color=color, rotation=rotation) widget = tp.cast(QtWidgets.QLabel, self.underlying) widget.setPixmap(pixmap) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() assert self.underlying is not None commands = super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying) icon_path = str(ICONS / self.props["collection"] / self.props["sub_collection"] / (self.props["name"] + ".svg")) if ( "name" in diff_props or "size" in diff_props or "collection" in diff_props or "sub_collection" in diff_props or "color" in diff_props or "rotation" in diff_props ): commands.append( CommandType( self._render_image, icon_path, self.props["size"], self.props["color"], self.props["rotation"], ), ) return commands
[docs] class Button(QtWidgetElement[QtWidgets.QPushButton]): """Basic button widget. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Widget `QPushButton <>`_ .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: title: The button text Set the :code:`on_click` **prop** (inherited from :class:`QtWidgetElement`) to define the click behavior. .. rubric:: Usage .. code-block:: python Button(title="Click me", on_click=lambda _: print("Clicked!")) .. figure:: /image/textinput_button.png :width: 300 Button on the right """
[docs] def __init__(self, title: str = "", **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props({"title": title}) self._register_props(kwargs) self._connected = False
def _initialize(self): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QPushButton() self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() assert self.underlying is not None commands = super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying) match diff_props.get("title"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.setText, propsnew)) return commands
[docs] @deprecated("Instead use ButtonView") class IconButton(Button): """Display an Icon Button. .. warning:: Deprecated Instead use :class:`ButtonView`. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Widget `QPushButton <>`_ .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: name: name of the icon. Search for icon names on,solid size: size of the icon. collection: the icon package. Currently only font-awesome is supported. sub_collection: for font awesome, either solid or regular color: the RGBA value for the icon color rotation: an angle (in degrees) for the icon rotation .. rubric:: Usage .. figure:: /image/icons.png :width: 300 Icon button on the very right. Icons are fairly central to modern-looking UI design; this Element allows you to put an icon in a button. Edifice comes with the Font Awesome ( regular and solid icon sets, to save you time from looking up your own icon set. You can specify an icon simplify using its name (and optionally the sub_collection). You can browse and search for icons here:,solid .. code-block:: python :caption: Example share icon button IconButton(name="share", on_click: lambda _: share()) """
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, size: int = 10, collection: str = "font-awesome", sub_collection: str = "solid", color: tuple[int, int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0, 255), rotation: int = 0, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "name": name, "size": size, "collection": collection, "sub_collection": sub_collection, "color": color, "rotation": rotation, }, ) self._register_props(kwargs)
def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): commands = super()._qt_update_commands(widget_trees, diff_props) icon_path = str(ICONS / self.props["collection"] / self.props["sub_collection"] / (self.props["name"] + ".svg")) assert self.underlying is not None def render_image(icon_path, size, color, rotation): pixmap = _get_svg_image(icon_path, size, color=color, rotation=rotation) assert self.underlying is not None widget = tp.cast(QtWidgets.QPushButton, self.underlying) widget.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(pixmap)) if ( "name" in diff_props or "size" in diff_props or "collection" in diff_props or "sub_collection" in diff_props or "color" in diff_props or "rotation" in diff_props ): commands.append( CommandType(render_image, icon_path, self.props["size"], self.props["color"], self.props["rotation"]), ) return commands
# TODO # Revert this @qt_component declaration of Label, for now. # It works correctly, but the sphinx documentation is not generated correctly. # # Introduced in commit 6a4bb0f0406539c2797654bacc5b0b955a3ed1d5 # # In the future we may move to this @qt_component declaration for all base elements. # # The advantage of @qt_component is in allowing the user to define their own # base elements. # # # > T = tp.TypeVar("T", bound=QtWidgets.QWidget) # # # > def use_underlying(self: QtWidgetElement, construct: tp.Callable[[], T]) -> T: # > if self.underlying is None: # > self.underlying = construct() # > return tp.cast(T, self.underlying) # # # > @qt_component # > def Label( # > self, # > newprops: list[str], # > super_commands: tp.Callable[[QtWidgets.QLabel, QtWidgets.QLayout | None], list[CommandType]], # > text: str = "", # > selectable: bool = False, # > editable: bool = False, # > word_wrap: bool = True, # > link_open: bool = False, # > cursor: QtGui.QCursor | QtCore.Qt.CursorShape | QtGui.QPixmap | None = None, # > **_kwargs: tp.Any, # > ) -> list[CommandType]: # > """Basic widget for displaying text. # # > * Underlying Qt Widget # > `QLabel <>`_ # # > .. figure:: /image/label.png # > :width: 500 # # > Args: # > text: The text to display. You can render rich text with the # > `Qt supported HTML subset <>`_. # > word_wrap: Enable/disable word wrapping. # > link_open: Whether hyperlinks will open to the operating system. Defaults to False. # > `PySide6.QtWidgets.QLabel.setOpenExternalLinks <>`_ # > selectable: Whether the content of the label can be selected. Defaults to False. # > editable: Whether the content of the label can be edited. Defaults to False. # > """ # # > widget = use_underlying(self, lambda: QtWidgets.QLabel(text)) # > widget.setObjectName(str(id(self))) # > size = widget.font().pointSize() # # > # TODO # > # If you want the QLabel to fit the text then you must use adjustSize() # > # # > # # # > commands = super_commands(widget, None) # > if "text" in newprops: # > commands.append(CommandType(widget.setText, text)) # > if "word_wrap" in newprops: # > commands.append(CommandType(widget.setWordWrap, word_wrap)) # > if "link_open" in newprops: # > commands.append(CommandType(widget.setOpenExternalLinks, link_open)) # > if "selectable" in newprops or "editable" in newprops: # > interaction_flags = 0 # > change_cursor = False # > if selectable: # > change_cursor = True # > interaction_flags = ( # > QtCore.Qt.TextInteractionFlag.TextSelectableByMouse # > | QtCore.Qt.TextInteractionFlag.TextSelectableByKeyboard # > ) # > if editable: # > change_cursor = True # > # PyQt5 doesn't support bitwise or with ints # > # TODO What about PyQt6? # > if interaction_flags: # > interaction_flags |= QtCore.Qt.TextInteractionFlag.TextEditable # > else: # > interaction_flags = QtCore.Qt.TextInteractionFlag.TextEditable # > if change_cursor and cursor is None: # > commands.append(CommandType(widget.setCursor, _CURSORS["text"])) # > if interaction_flags: # > commands.append(CommandType(widget.setTextInteractionFlags, interaction_flags)) # > return commands
[docs] class Label(QtWidgetElement[QtWidgets.QLabel]): """Text display widget. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Widget `QLabel <>`_ .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: text: The text to display. word_wrap: Enable/disable word wrapping. link_open: Whether hyperlinks will open to the operating system. Defaults to False. `PySide6.QtWidgets.QLabel.setOpenExternalLinks <>`_ selectable: Whether the content of the label can be selected. Defaults to False. text_format: The text format of the label. Defaults to :code:`QtCore.Qt.TextFormat.AutoText`. See `QtCore.Qt.TextFormat <>`_. .. rubric:: Usage Render rich text with the `Qt supported HTML subset <>`_. .. code-block:: python Label( text=''' <h1>QLabel</h1> <p style='line-height:1.5;'> <code>QLabel</code> is used for displaying text or an image. No user interaction functionality is provided.The visual appearance of the label can be configured in various ways, and it can be used for specifying a focus mnemonic key for another widget. </p> ''', ) .. note:: The combination of rich text and :code:`word_wrap` can sometimes cause `Qt Layout Issues <>`_. .. figure:: /image/label.png :width: 500 """
[docs] def __init__( self, text: str = "", selectable: bool = False, word_wrap: bool = False, link_open: bool = False, text_format: QtCore.Qt.TextFormat = QtCore.Qt.TextFormat.AutoText, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "text": text, "selectable": selectable, "word_wrap": word_wrap, "link_open": link_open, "text_format": text_format, }, ) self._register_props(kwargs)
def _initialize(self): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.props["text"]) self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() assert self.underlying is not None commands = super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying, None) match diff_props.get("text"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.setText, propsnew)) match diff_props.get("word_wrap"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.setWordWrap, propsnew)) match diff_props.get("link_open"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.setOpenExternalLinks, propsnew)) match diff_props.get("selectable"): case _, propsnew: if propsnew: interaction_flags = ( QtCore.Qt.TextInteractionFlag.TextSelectableByMouse | QtCore.Qt.TextInteractionFlag.TextSelectableByKeyboard ) commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.setTextInteractionFlags, interaction_flags)) if "cursor" not in self.props or self.props["cursor"] is None: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.setCursor, _CURSORS["text"])) elif "cursor" not in self.props or self.props["cursor"] is None: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.setCursor, _CURSORS["default"])) match diff_props.get("text_format"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.setTextFormat, propsnew)) return commands
[docs] class ImageSvg(QtWidgetElement[QtSvgWidgets.QSvgWidget]): """Render an SVG image. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Widget `QSvgWidget <>`_ .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement`, plus: Args: src: Either a path to an SVG image file, or a `QByteArray <>`_ containing the XML string of an SVG file. .. rubric:: Usage .. code-block:: python henomaru = QByteArray.fromStdString( '<svg viewBox="0 0 200 200"><circle fill="red" cx="100" cy="100" r="100"/></svg>' ) ImageSvg( src=henomaru, style={"width": 100, "height": 100}, ) Use the :class:`ImageSvg` Element to render icons. Find icons on websites like Font Awesome: The recommended method is to copy the icon’s SVG code and paste it into :code:`QByteArray.fromStdString()` as in the example above. Then pass the :code:`QByteArray` to the :code:`src` prop. Or you can download an icon :code:`.svg` file and render the icon by setting the :code:`src` prop to the path of the file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, src: str | QtCore.QByteArray, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "src": src, }, ) self._register_props(kwargs)
def _initialize(self): self.underlying = QtSvgWidgets.QSvgWidget() self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() assert self.underlying is not None commands = super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying, None) match diff_props.get("src"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.load, propsnew)) return commands
[docs] class TextInput(QtWidgetElement[QtWidgets.QLineEdit]): """One line text input widget. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Widget `QLineEdit <>`_ .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: text: Initial text of the text input. placeholder_text: “makes the line edit display a grayed-out placeholder text as long as the line edit is empty.” See `placeHolderText <>`_ on_change: Event handler for when the value of the text input changes, but only when the user is editing the text, not when the text prop changes. on_edit_finish: Callback for the `editingFinished <>`_ event, when the Return or Enter key is pressed, or if the line edit loses focus and its contents have changed completer: A suggested completion list based on the current :code:`text`. This **prop** is a tuple of two elements: 1. The `CompletionMode <>`_ which indicates how the completions should be presented to the user. :code:`UnfilteredPopupCompletion` works best. 2. A tuple of strings, the completion options. Calculate these based on the current :code:`text`. Or optionally you can pass in an instance of a `QCompleter <>`_ (not recommended). .. rubric:: Usage .. code-block:: python text, text_set = ed.use_state("") TextInput( text=text, on_change=text_set, ) .. figure:: /image/textinput_button.png :width: 300 TextInput on the left. """
[docs] def __init__( self, text: str = "", placeholder_text: str | None = None, on_change: tp.Callable[[str], None] | None = None, on_edit_finish: tp.Callable[[], None] | None = None, completer: tuple[QtWidgets.QCompleter.CompletionMode, tuple[str, ...]] | QtWidgets.QCompleter | None = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "text": text, "placeholder_text": placeholder_text, "on_change": on_change, "on_edit_finish": on_edit_finish, "completer": completer, }, ) self._register_props(kwargs)
def _initialize(self): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) self.underlying.textEdited.connect(self._on_change_handler) self.underlying.editingFinished.connect(self._on_edit_finish) def _on_change_handler(self, text: str): if self.props["on_change"] is not None: self.props["on_change"](text) def _on_edit_finish(self): if self.props["on_edit_finish"] is not None: self.props["on_edit_finish"]() def _set_completer(self, completer): assert self.underlying is not None match completer: case None: self.underlying.setCompleter(None) # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 case QtWidgets.QCompleter(): self.underlying.setCompleter(completer) case mode, options: # qt_completer = QtWidgets.QCompleter(list(options)) qt_completer.setCompletionMode(mode) self.underlying.setCompleter(qt_completer) # this if hasFocus() then complete() condition is needed # to make the completer pop after new Completion is set if self.underlying.hasFocus(): qt_completer.complete() def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() assert self.underlying is not None commands = super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying) match diff_props.get("text"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.setText, propsnew)) # This setCursorPosition is needed because otherwise the cursor will # jump to the end of the text after the setText. commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.setCursorPosition, self.underlying.cursorPosition())) match diff_props.get("placeholder_text"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.setPlaceholderText, propsnew)) match diff_props.get("completer"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self._set_completer, propsnew)) return commands
[docs] class TextInputMultiline(QtWidgetElement[QtWidgets.QTextEdit]): """Multiline text input widget. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Widget `QTextEdit <>`_ Accepts only plain text, not “rich text.” .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: text: Initial text. placeholder_text: “Setting this property makes the editor display a grayed-out placeholder text as long as the document() is empty.” See `placeholderText <>`_. on_change: Event handler for when the value of the text input changes, but only when the user is editing the text, not when the text prop changes. """
[docs] def __init__( self, text: str = "", placeholder_text: str | None = None, on_change: tp.Callable[[str], None] | None = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "text": text, "placeholder_text": placeholder_text, "on_change": on_change, }, ) self._register_props(kwargs)
def _initialize(self): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QTextEdit() self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) self.underlying.textChanged.connect(self._on_change_handler) self.underlying.setAcceptRichText(False) def _on_change_handler(self): if self.props["on_change"] is not None: assert self.underlying is not None self.props["on_change"](self.underlying.toPlainText()) def _set_text(self, text: str): assert self.underlying is not None if self.underlying.toPlainText() == text: return self.underlying.blockSignals(True) self.underlying.setPlainText(text) self.underlying.blockSignals(False) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() assert self.underlying is not None commands = super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying) match diff_props.get("text"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self._set_text, propsnew)) match diff_props.get("placeholder_text"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.setPlaceholderText, propsnew)) return commands
[docs] class Slider(QtWidgetElement[QtWidgets.QSlider]): """Slider bar widget. A Slider bar allows the user to input a continuous value. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Widget `QSlider <>`_ .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: value: The value of the slider. min_value: The minimum value for the slider. max_value: The maximum value for the slider. orientation: The orientation of the slider, either :code:`Horizontal` or :code:`Vertical`. See `Orientation <>`_. on_change: Event handler for when the value of the slider changes, but only when the slider is being move by the user, not when the value prop changes. enable_mouse_scroll: Whether mouse scroll events should be able to change the value. .. rubric:: Usage .. figure:: /image/slider.png :width: 300 Horizontal and vertical sliders """
[docs] def __init__( self, value: int, min_value: int = 0, max_value: int = 100, orientation: QtCore.Qt.Orientation = QtCore.Qt.Orientation.Horizontal, on_change: tp.Callable[[int], None] | None = None, *, enable_mouse_scroll: bool = True, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "value": value, "min_value": min_value, "max_value": max_value, "orientation": orientation, "on_change": on_change, "enable_mouse_scroll": enable_mouse_scroll, }, ) self._register_props(kwargs) self._connected = False self._on_change: tp.Callable[[int], None] | None = None
def _initialize(self, orientation): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QSlider(orientation) self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) self.underlying.valueChanged.connect(self._on_change_handle) def _on_change_handle(self, position: int) -> None: if self._on_change is not None: self._on_change(position) def _set_on_change(self, on_change): self._on_change = on_change def _set_value(self, value: int): widget = tp.cast(QtWidgets.QSlider, self.underlying) widget.blockSignals(True) widget.setValue(value) widget.blockSignals(False) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self._initialize(self.props["orientation"]) assert self.underlying is not None widget = tp.cast(QtWidgets.QSlider, self.underlying) commands = super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying) match diff_props.get("min_value"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(widget.setMinimum, propsnew)) match diff_props.get("max_value"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(widget.setMaximum, propsnew)) match diff_props.get("value"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self._set_value, propsnew)) match diff_props.get("on_change"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self._set_on_change, propsnew)) match diff_props.get("enable_mouse_scroll"): case _, propsnew: # Doing it this way means that if the user tries to attach an # on_mouse_wheel event handler then that won't work. But I think # that's okay for now. if propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self._set_mouse_wheel, self.underlying, None)) else: commands.append(CommandType(self._set_mouse_wheel, self.underlying, lambda e: e.ignore())) return commands
class _LinearView(QtWidgetElement[_T_underlying], tp.Generic[_T_underlying]): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._widget_children: list[QtWidgetElement] = [] def __del__(self): pass def _recompute_children(self, children: list[QtWidgetElement]): """ Diffing and reconciliation of QtWidgetElements. Compute the sequence of commands to transform self._widget_children into the new children. """ commands: list[CommandType] = [] children_old_positioned_reverse: list[QtWidgetElement] = [] # old children in the same position as new children. # In reverse order for speed because popping from the end of a list is # faster than popping from the beginning of a list? # First we delete old children that are not in the right position. # We do this in two cases: # 1. If the first new child is the same as the first old child # 2. Else we hope the last new child is the same as the last old child # Case 1: If the first new child is the same as the first old child. # Then we iterate forward pairwise and hope that we get a lot of # matches between old and new children so we can reuse them # instead of deleting them. # # Note: QLayout.takeAt will decrement the indices of all greater children. if len(children) > 0 and len(self._widget_children) > 0 and children[0] is self._widget_children[0]: i_new = 0 i_old = 0 for child_old in self._widget_children: if i_new < len(children) and child_old is children[i_new]: # old child is in the same position as new child children_old_positioned_reverse.append(child_old) i_old += 1 else: # noqa: PLR5501 # old child is out of position if child_old in children: # child will be added back in later commands.append(CommandType(self._soft_delete_child, i_old, child_old)) else: # child will be deleted commands.append(CommandType(self._delete_child, i_old, child_old)) i_new += 1 r = list(reversed(children_old_positioned_reverse)) children_old_positioned_reverse = r # Case 2: # Then we iterate backwards pairwise and hope that we get a lot of # matches between old and new children so we can reuse them # instead of deleting them. # This will likely be true if the last old child is the same as the # last new child. else: i_new = len(children) - 1 for i_old, child_old in reversed(list(enumerate(self._widget_children))): if i_new > 0 and child_old is children[i_new]: # old child is in the same position as new child children_old_positioned_reverse.append(child_old) else: # noqa: PLR5501 # old child is out of position if child_old in children: # child will be added back in later commands.append(CommandType(self._soft_delete_child, i_old, child_old)) else: # child will be deleted commands.append(CommandType(self._delete_child, i_old, child_old)) i_new -= 1 # Now we have deleted all the old children that are not in the right position. # Add in the missing new children. for i, child_new in enumerate(children): if len(children_old_positioned_reverse) > 0 and child_new is children_old_positioned_reverse[-1]: # if child is already in the right position del children_old_positioned_reverse[-1] else: assert isinstance(child_new, QtWidgetElement) assert child_new.underlying is not None commands.append(CommandType(self._add_child, i, child_new.underlying)) # assert sanity check that we used all the old children. assert len(children_old_positioned_reverse) == 0 self._widget_children = children return commands def _add_child(self, i, child_component: QtWidgets.QWidget): raise NotImplementedError def _delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): """ Delete the child from the layout. """ raise NotImplementedError def _soft_delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): """ Take the child out of the layout, but don't delete it. It will be added back to the layout. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class VBoxView(_LinearView[QtWidgets.QWidget]): """Vertical column layout view for child elements. This is the basic layout element which behaves like an `HTML div <>`_. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Layout `QVBoxLayout <>`_ Content that does not fit into the VBoxView layout will be clipped. To allow scrolling in case of overflow, use :class:`VScrollView<edifice.VScrollView>`. .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement`. .. rubric:: Usage .. code-block:: python :caption: Example with VBoxView(): Label(text="Hello") Label(text="World") """
[docs] def __init__( self, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs)
def _delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): # noqa: ARG002 # # “The parent takes ownership of the object; i.e., it will automatically delete its children in its destructor.” if (child_node := self.underlying_layout.takeAt(i)) is None: logger.warning(f"_delete_child takeAt failed {i} {self}") # noqa: G004 else: # noqa: PLR5501 if (w := child_node.widget()) is None: logger.warning(f"_delete_child widget is None {i} {self}") # noqa: G004 else: w.deleteLater() def _soft_delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): # noqa: ARG002 if self.underlying_layout.takeAt(i) is None: logger.warning(f"_soft_delete_child takeAt failed {i} {self}") # noqa: G004 def _add_child(self, i, child_component: QtWidgets.QWidget): if self.underlying_layout is not None: self.underlying_layout.insertWidget(i, child_component) def _initialize(self): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.underlying_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) self.underlying.setLayout(self.underlying_layout) self.underlying_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.underlying_layout.setSpacing(0) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ) -> list[CommandType]: if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() assert self.underlying is not None children = _get_widget_children(widget_trees, self) commands = [] # Should we run the child commands after the View commands? # No because children must be able to delete themselves before parent # deletes them. # # “The parent takes ownership of the object; i.e., it will automatically delete its children in its destructor.” commands.extend(self._recompute_children(children)) commands.extend(self._qt_stateless_commands(widget_trees, diff_props)) return commands def _qt_stateless_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ) -> list[CommandType]: # This stateless render command is used to test rendering assert self.underlying is not None return super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying, self.underlying_layout)
[docs] class HBoxView(_LinearView[QtWidgets.QWidget]): """Horizontal row layout view for child elements. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Layout `QHBoxLayout <>`_ Content that does not fit into the HBoxView layout will be clipped. To allow scrolling in case of overflow, use :class:`HScrollView<edifice.HScrollView>`. .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement`. .. rubric:: Usage .. code-block:: python :caption: Example with HBoxView(): Label(text="Hello") Label(text="World") """
[docs] def __init__( self, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs)
def _delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): # noqa: ARG002 # # “The parent takes ownership of the object; i.e., it will automatically delete its children in its destructor.” if (child_node := self.underlying_layout.takeAt(i)) is None: logger.warning(f"_delete_child takeAt failed {i} {self}") # noqa: G004 else: # noqa: PLR5501 if (w := child_node.widget()) is None: logger.warning(f"_delete_child widget is None {i} {self}") # noqa: G004 else: w.deleteLater() def _soft_delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): # noqa: ARG002 if self.underlying_layout.takeAt(i) is None: logger.warning(f"_soft_delete_child takeAt failed {i} {self}") # noqa: G004 def _add_child(self, i, child_component: QtWidgets.QWidget): if self.underlying_layout is not None: self.underlying_layout.insertWidget(i, child_component) def _initialize(self): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.underlying_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) self.underlying.setLayout(self.underlying_layout) self.underlying_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.underlying_layout.setSpacing(0) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() assert self.underlying is not None children = _get_widget_children(widget_trees, self) commands = [] # Should we run the child commands after the View commands? # No because children must be able to delete themselves before parent # deletes them. # # “The parent takes ownership of the object; i.e., it will automatically delete its children in its destructor.” commands.extend(self._recompute_children(children)) commands.extend(self._qt_stateless_commands(widget_trees, diff_props)) return commands def _qt_stateless_commands(self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff): # This stateless render command is used to test rendering assert self.underlying is not None return super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying, self.underlying_layout)
[docs] class FixView(_LinearView[QtWidgets.QWidget]): """View layout for child widgets with fixed position. Content that does not fit into the FixView layout will be clipped. To allow scrolling in case of overflow, use :class:`FixScrollView<edifice.FixScrollView>`. Use the :code:`top` and :code:`left` :ref:`style<styling>` properties to set the position of the child widgets. .. code-block:: python :caption: Example FixView with Label at 100px from top and 200px from left with FixView(): Label( text="Label 100px from top and 200px from left", style={"top": 100, "left": 200}, ) .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement`. """
[docs] def __init__( self, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs)
def _delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): # noqa: ARG002 # # “The parent takes ownership of the object; i.e., it will automatically delete its children in its destructor.” assert old_child.underlying is not None old_child.underlying.setParent(None) def _soft_delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): # noqa: ARG002 assert old_child.underlying is not None old_child.underlying.setParent(None) def _add_child(self, i, child_component: QtWidgets.QWidget): # noqa: ARG002 child_component.setParent(self.underlying) # # “The widget becomes invisible as part of changing its parent, even if it was # previously visible. You must call show() to make the widget visible again.” child_component.setVisible(True) def _initialize(self): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() assert self.underlying is not None children = _get_widget_children(widget_trees, self) commands = [] # Should we run the child commands after the View commands? # No because children must be able to delete themselves before parent # deletes them. # # “The parent takes ownership of the object; i.e., it will automatically delete its children in its destructor.” commands.extend(self._recompute_children(children)) commands.extend(self._qt_stateless_commands(widget_trees, diff_props)) return commands def _qt_stateless_commands(self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], newprops): # This stateless render command is used to test rendering assert self.underlying is not None return super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, newprops, self.underlying)
def _window_state_string(state: QtCore.Qt.WindowState) -> tp.Literal["Normal", "Maximized", "Minimized", "FullScreen"]: if state & QtCore.Qt.WindowState.WindowMaximized: return "Maximized" if state & QtCore.Qt.WindowState.WindowMinimized: return "Minimized" if state & QtCore.Qt.WindowState.WindowFullScreen: return "FullScreen" return "Normal"
[docs] class Window(VBoxView): """ The root :class:`View` element of an :class:`App` which runs in an operating system window. The children of this :class:`Window` are the visible Elements of the :class:`App`. When this :class:`Window` closes, all of the children are unmounted and then the :class:`App` stops. .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: title: The window title. icon: The window icon image. See caveats in `windowIcon <>`_. This prop is not supported on all platforms. menu: The window’s menu bar. In some GUI settings, for example Mac OS, this menu will appear seperately from the window. _on_open: This argument is not a **prop** and will not cause re-render when changed. Event handler for when this window is opening. This event handler function will be called exactly once, before the children are mounted. The event handler function will be passed the application’s `QApplication <>`_ object. on_close: Event handler for when this window is closing. This event handler will fire before the children are unmounted. The event handler function will be passed a `QCloseEvent <>`_. on_window_state_change: Event handler for when the window state changes. This event handler will be passed the old window state and the new window state. full_screen: Whether the window is in full screen mode. _size_open: This argument is not a **prop** and will not cause re-render when changed. It will only be used once to set width and height of the window when it is opened. If the value :code:`"Maximized"` is passed, the window will be opened maximized (does not work on X11, see `showMaximized <>`_ ). .. rubric:: Usage .. code-block:: python :caption: Example Window with F11 Full Screen Toggle @component def Main(self): full_screen, full_screen_set = use_state(False) def handle_key_down(event: PySide6.QtGui.QKeyEvent): if event.key() == PySide6.QtGui.Qt.Key.Key_F11: full_screen_set(not full_screen) with Window( title="Full Screen Example", _size_open=(800, 600), full_screen=full_screen, on_key_down=handle_key_down, ): Label("Press F11 to toggle full screen mode") """
[docs] def __init__( self, title: str = "Edifice Application", icon: str | QtGui.QImage | QtGui.QPixmap | None = None, menu: ContextMenuType | None = None, _on_open: tp.Callable[[QtWidgets.QApplication], None] | None = None, on_close: tp.Callable[[QtGui.QCloseEvent], None] | None = None, on_window_state_change: tp.Callable[ [ tp.Literal["Normal", "Maximized", "Minimized", "FullScreen"], tp.Literal["Normal", "Maximized", "Minimized", "FullScreen"], ], None, ] | None = None, full_screen: bool = False, _size_open: tuple[int, int] | tp.Literal["Maximized"] | None = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "title": title, "icon": icon, "menu": menu, "on_close": on_close, "on_window_state_change": on_window_state_change, "full_screen": full_screen, }, ) self._menu_bar = None self._on_close: tp.Callable[[QtGui.QCloseEvent], None] | None = None self._on_window_state_change: ( tp.Callable[ [ tp.Literal["Normal", "Maximized", "Minimized", "FullScreen"], tp.Literal["Normal", "Maximized", "Minimized", "FullScreen"], ], None, ] | None ) = None self._on_open = _on_open self._size_open = _size_open self._window_old_state: tp.Literal["Normal", "Maximized", "Minimized", "FullScreen"] | None = None """ Store the old window state so that we can restore to the old state after FullScreen. None means that the window has not been opened yet. """
def _set_on_close(self, on_close): self._on_close = on_close def _set_on_window_state_change(self, on_window_state_change): self._on_window_state_change = on_window_state_change def _handle_change(self, event: QtCore.QEvent): match event: case QtGui.QWindowStateChangeEvent(): if self.underlying is not None: window_new_state = _window_state_string(self.underlying.windowState()) window_old_state = _window_state_string(event.oldState()) if self._window_old_state is not None: # Disregard the first window state change event so that # we can start FullScreen or Maximized self._window_old_state = window_old_state if self._on_window_state_change: self._on_window_state_change(window_old_state, window_new_state) def _handle_close(self, event: QtGui.QCloseEvent): event.ignore() # Don't kill the app yet, instead stop the app after the children are unmounted. if self._on_close: self._on_close(event) if self._controller is not None: self._controller.stop() def _attach_menubar(self, underlying: QtWidgets.QWidget, menus: ContextMenuType | None): if menus is None: if self._menu_bar is not None: self._menu_bar.setParent(None) self._menu_bar = None else: if self._menu_bar is None: self._menu_bar = QtWidgets.QMenuBar() self._menu_bar.setParent(underlying) self._menu_bar.clear() for menu_title, menu in menus: self._menu_bar.addMenu(_create_qmenu(((menu_title, menu),), self._menu_bar, menu_title)) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: # Inialization for the first time # We want on_open to be called exactly once only for this Window # instance before any Qt Widgets are created. if self._on_open is not None: qapp = tp.cast(QtWidgets.QApplication, QtWidgets.QApplication.instance()) self._on_open(qapp) super()._initialize() assert isinstance(self.underlying, QtWidgets.QWidget) self.underlying.closeEvent = self._handle_close self.underlying.changeEvent = self._handle_change match self._size_open, self.props.get("full_screen"): case None, False: case None, True: self.underlying.showFullScreen() case (width, height), False: self.underlying.resize(width, height) case (width, height), True: self.underlying.resize(width, height) self.underlying.showFullScreen() case "Maximized", False: self.underlying.showMaximized() # # # > On X11, this function may not work properly with certain window managers. # # Does not work on X11 for opening the window Maximized. # But from FullScreen, this function will change window to Maximized. # # By the way this works on X11 but its obviously very stupid: # > # > asyncio.get_event_loop().call_later(0.1, self.underlying.showMaximized) case "Maximized", True: self.underlying.showFullScreen() commands: list[CommandType] = super()._qt_update_commands(widget_trees, diff_props) match diff_props.get("title"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.setWindowTitle, propsnew)) match diff_props.get("on_close"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self._set_on_close, propsnew)) match diff_props.get("icon"): case _, propsnew if propsnew is not None: pixmap = _image_descriptor_to_pixmap(propsnew) commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.setWindowIcon, QtGui.QIcon(pixmap))) match diff_props.get("menu"): case _, propsnew if propsnew is not None: commands.append(CommandType(self._attach_menubar, self.underlying, propsnew)) if self._window_old_state is None: self._window_old_state = _window_state_string(self.underlying.windowState()) else: match diff_props.get("full_screen"): case _, True: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.showFullScreen)) case _, False: match self._window_old_state: case "Maximized": commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.showMaximized)) # We don't restore from FullScreen to "Minimized": case _: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying.showNormal)) match diff_props.get("on_window_state_change"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self._set_on_window_state_change, propsnew)) return commands
[docs] class WindowPopView(VBoxView): """ Pop-up Window layout. This Element will render its children in a new operating system window instead of appearing in its parent’s layout. It will occupy a zero-size position in its parent’s layout. .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: title: The window title. icon: The window icon image. See caveats in `windowIcon <>`_. This prop is not supported on all platforms. on_close: When the user tries to close this window, the window will not close. Instead, this event handler will be called. The only way to close a :class:`WindowPopView` is to remove it from its parent’s layout. This event handler should set some state which causes the :class:`WindowPopView` to be removed from the parent layout. See the example below. The event handler function will be passed a `QCloseEvent <>`_. on_window_state_change: Event handler for when the window state changes. This event handler will be passed the old window state and the new window state. full_screen: Whether the window is in full screen mode. _size_open: This argument is not a **prop** and will not cause re-render when changed. It will only be used once to set width and height of the window when it is opened. If the value :code:`"Maximized"` is passed, the window will be opened maximized (does not work on X11, see `showMaximized <>`_ ). .. rubric:: Usage .. code-block:: python :caption: Pop-up Window Example @component def Main(self): popshow, popshow_set = use_state(False) with Window( title="Main Window", ): CheckBox( checked=popshow, text="Show Pop-up Window", on_change=popshow_set, ) if popshow: with WindowPopView( title="Pop-up Window", on_close=lambda _: popshow_set(False), ): Label( text="This is a Pop-up Window", ) """
[docs] def __init__( self, title: str = "", icon: str | QtGui.QImage | QtGui.QPixmap | None = None, on_close: tp.Callable[[QtGui.QCloseEvent], None] | None = None, on_window_state_change: tp.Callable[ [ tp.Literal["Normal", "Maximized", "Minimized", "FullScreen"], tp.Literal["Normal", "Maximized", "Minimized", "FullScreen"], ], None, ] | None = None, full_screen: bool = False, _size_open: tuple[int, int] | tp.Literal["Maximized"] | None = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "title": title, "icon": icon, "on_close": on_close, "on_window_state_change": on_window_state_change, "full_screen": full_screen, }, ) self._on_close: tp.Callable[[QtGui.QCloseEvent], None] | None = None self.underlying_noparent: QtWidgets.QWidget | None = None """ Special widget that is not a child of any parent widget. The layout of this Element is set to this widget, and all Element children are children of this widget. """ self._on_window_state_change: ( tp.Callable[ [ tp.Literal["Normal", "Maximized", "Minimized", "FullScreen"], tp.Literal["Normal", "Maximized", "Minimized", "FullScreen"], ], None, ] | None ) = None self._size_open = _size_open self._window_old_state: tp.Literal["Normal", "Maximized", "Minimized", "FullScreen"] | None = None """ Store the old window state so that we can restore to the old state after FullScreen. None means that the window has not been opened yet. """
def _set_on_window_state_change(self, on_window_state_change): self._on_window_state_change = on_window_state_change def _handle_change(self, event: QtCore.QEvent): match event: case QtGui.QWindowStateChangeEvent(): if self.underlying_noparent is not None: window_new_state = _window_state_string(self.underlying_noparent.windowState()) window_old_state = _window_state_string(event.oldState()) if self._window_old_state is not None: # Disregard the first window state change event so that # we can start FullScreen or Maximized self._window_old_state = window_old_state if self._on_window_state_change: self._on_window_state_change(window_old_state, window_new_state) def _set_on_close(self, on_close): self._on_close = on_close def _handle_close(self, event: QtGui.QCloseEvent): event.ignore() if self._on_close: self._on_close(event) def _handle_destroyed(self): assert self.underlying_noparent is not None self.underlying_noparent.deleteLater() if self._on_close: self._on_close(QtGui.QCloseEvent()) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ) -> list[CommandType]: if self.underlying is None: # The self.underlying is an invisible placeholder widget that will # occupy a position in its parent's layout, but will have zero size. self.underlying = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.underlying.setFixedSize(0, 0) self.underlying_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # The self.underlying_noparent is the widget that will be shown # to the user as a new pop-up window and which will be the parent # of all this Element's children. self.underlying_noparent = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.underlying_noparent.setObjectName(str(id(self))) # this is for CSS style selection self.underlying_noparent.setLayout(self.underlying_layout) self.underlying_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.underlying_layout.setSpacing(0) self.underlying.destroyed.connect(self._handle_destroyed) self.underlying_noparent.closeEvent = self._handle_close assert isinstance(self.underlying, QtWidgets.QWidget) self.underlying_noparent.changeEvent = self._handle_change match self._size_open, self.props.get("full_screen"): case None, False: case None, True: self.underlying_noparent.showFullScreen() case (width, height), False: self.underlying_noparent.resize(width, height) case (width, height), True: self.underlying_noparent.resize(width, height) self.underlying_noparent.showFullScreen() case "Maximized", False: self.underlying_noparent.showMaximized() # # # > On X11, this function may not work properly with certain window managers. # # Does not work on X11 for opening the window Maximized. # But from FullScreen, this function will change window to Maximized. case "Maximized", True: self.underlying_noparent.showFullScreen() assert self.underlying_noparent is not None children = _get_widget_children(widget_trees, self) commands = [] # Should we run the child commands after the View commands? # No because children must be able to delete themselves before parent # deletes them. # # “The parent takes ownership of the object; i.e., it will automatically delete its children in its destructor.” commands.extend(self._recompute_children(children)) # Important to note that the QtWidgetElement underlying is the underlying_noparent. # This is so that all styles and event handlers are attached to the underlying_noparent. commands.extend( super()._qt_update_commands_super( widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying_noparent, self.underlying_layout, ), ) match diff_props.get("title"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying_noparent.setWindowTitle, propsnew)) match diff_props.get("on_close"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self._set_on_close, propsnew)) match diff_props.get("icon"): case _, propsnew if propsnew is not None: pixmap = _image_descriptor_to_pixmap(propsnew) commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying_noparent.setWindowIcon, QtGui.QIcon(pixmap))) if self._window_old_state is None: self._window_old_state = _window_state_string(self.underlying_noparent.windowState()) else: match diff_props.get("full_screen"): case _, True: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying_noparent.showFullScreen)) case _, False: match self._window_old_state: case "Maximized": commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying_noparent.showMaximized)) # We don't restore from FullScreen to "Minimized": case _: commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying_noparent.showNormal)) match diff_props.get("on_window_state_change"): case _, propsnew: commands.append(CommandType(self._set_on_window_state_change, propsnew)) return commands
[docs] class VScrollView(_LinearView[QtWidgets.QScrollArea]): """Scrollable vertical column layout. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Widget `QScrollArea <>`_ - Underlying Qt Layout `QVBoxLayout <>`_ .. figure:: /image/scroll_view.png :width: 500 A VScrollView containing a Label. Overflows in both the *x* and *y* direction will cause a scrollbar to show. .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
def _delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): # noqa: ARG002 if (child_node := self.underlying_layout.takeAt(i)) is None: logger.warning(f"_delete_child takeAt failed {i} {self}") # noqa: G004 else: # noqa: PLR5501 if (w := child_node.widget()) is None: logger.warning(f"_delete_child widget is None {i} {self}") # noqa: G004 else: w.deleteLater() def _soft_delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): # noqa: ARG002 if self.underlying_layout.takeAt(i) is None: logger.warning(f"_soft_delete_child takeAt failed {i} {self}") # noqa: G004 def _add_child(self, i, child_component): self.underlying_layout.insertWidget(i, child_component) def _initialize(self): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QScrollArea() self.underlying.setWidgetResizable(True) self.inner_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.underlying_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.underlying_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.underlying_layout.setSpacing(0) self.inner_widget.setLayout(self.underlying_layout) self.underlying.setWidget(self.inner_widget) self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() assert self.underlying is not None children = _get_widget_children(widget_trees, self) commands = self._recompute_children(children) commands.extend( super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying, self.underlying_layout), ) return commands
[docs] class HScrollView(_LinearView[QtWidgets.QScrollArea]): """Scrollable horizontal row layout widget. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Widget `QScrollArea <>`_ - Underlying Qt Layout `QHBoxLayout <>`_ .. figure:: /image/scroll_view.png :width: 500 An HScrollView containing a Label. Overflows in both the *x* and *y* direction will cause a scrollbar to show. .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
def _delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): # noqa: ARG002 if (child_node := self.underlying_layout.takeAt(i)) is None: logger.warning(f"_delete_child takeAt failed {i} {self}") # noqa: G004 else: # noqa: PLR5501 if (w := child_node.widget()) is None: logger.warning(f"_delete_child widget is None {i} {self}") # noqa: G004 else: w.deleteLater() def _soft_delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): # noqa: ARG002 if self.underlying_layout.takeAt(i) is None: logger.warning(f"_soft_delete_child takeAt failed {i} {self}") # noqa: G004 def _add_child(self, i, child_component): self.underlying_layout.insertWidget(i, child_component) def _initialize(self): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QScrollArea() self.underlying.setWidgetResizable(True) self.inner_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.underlying_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.underlying_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.underlying_layout.setSpacing(0) self.inner_widget.setLayout(self.underlying_layout) self.underlying.setWidget(self.inner_widget) self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() assert self.underlying is not None children = _get_widget_children(widget_trees, self) commands = self._recompute_children(children) commands.extend( super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying, self.underlying_layout), ) return commands
[docs] class FixScrollView(_LinearView[QtWidgets.QScrollArea]): """Scrollable layout widget for child widgets with fixed position. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Widget `QScrollArea <>`_ .. figure:: /image/scroll_view.png :width: 500 A ScrollView containing a Label. Overflows in both the *x* and *y* direction will cause a scrollbar to show. Use the :code:`top` and :code:`left` style properties to set the position of the child widgets. .. code-block:: python :caption: Example FixScrollView with Label at 100px from top and 200px from left with FixScrollView(): Label( text="Label 100px from top and 200px from left", style={"top": 100, "left": 200}, ) .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
def _delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): # noqa: ARG002 # # “The parent takes ownership of the object; i.e., it will automatically delete its children in its destructor.” assert old_child.underlying is not None old_child.underlying.setParent(None) def _soft_delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): # noqa: ARG002 assert old_child.underlying is not None old_child.underlying.setParent(None) def _add_child(self, i, child_component: QtWidgets.QWidget): # noqa: ARG002 child_component.setParent(self.underlying) # # “The widget becomes invisible as part of changing its parent, even if it was # previously visible. You must call show() to make the widget visible again.” child_component.setVisible(True) def _initialize(self): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QScrollArea() self.underlying.setWidgetResizable(True) self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() assert self.underlying is not None children = _get_widget_children(widget_trees, self) commands = self._recompute_children(children) commands.extend( super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying), ) return commands
def npones(num_rows, num_cols): """ List replacement for numpy.ones() """ return [[1 for _ in range(num_cols)] for _ in range(num_rows)] def npany(arr): """ List replacement for numpy.any() """ return any(any(x) for x in arr) def set_slice2(arr, x0, x1, y0, y1, val): """ Set a slice of a list of lists to a value. """ for x in range(x0, x1): for y in range(y0, y1): arr[x][y] = val def npargmax(arr): """ List replacement for numpy.argmax(). Returns the indices of the maximum values. """ i, j = 0, 0 max_val = arr[0][0] for x in range(len(arr)): for y in range(len(arr[x])): if arr[x][y] > max_val: max_val = arr[x][y] i, j = x, y return i, j def _layout_str_to_grid_spec(layout: str) -> tuple[int, int, list[tuple[str, int, int, int, int]]]: """Parses layout to return a grid spec. Args: layout: layout string as expected by GridView Returns: (num_rows, num_cols, cell_list), where cell_list is a list of tuples (char_code, row_idx, col_idx, row_span, col_span) """ ls = [] layout_split = re.split(";|\n", layout) layout_list = list(filter(lambda x: x, (x.strip() for x in layout_split))) num_rows = len(layout_list) if num_rows == 0: return (0, 0, []) num_cols = len(layout_list[0]) if num_cols == 0: return (num_rows, 0, []) corner = (0, 0) unprocessed = npones(num_rows, num_cols) while npany(unprocessed): char = layout_list[corner[0]][corner[1]] i = corner[1] + 1 for i in range(corner[1] + 1, num_cols + 1): if i >= num_cols or layout_list[corner[0]][i] != char: break col_span = i - corner[1] j = corner[0] + 1 for j in range(corner[0] + 1, num_rows + 1): if j >= num_rows or layout_list[j][corner[1]] != char: break row_span = j - corner[0] ls.append((char, corner[0], corner[1], row_span, col_span)) set_slice2(unprocessed, corner[0], corner[0] + row_span, corner[1], corner[1] + col_span, 0) corner = npargmax(unprocessed) return (num_rows, num_cols, ls)
[docs] class GridView(QtWidgetElement[QtWidgets.QWidget]): """Grid layout widget for rendering children on a 2D rectangular grid. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Layout `QGridLayout <>`_ Grid Layout Element. .. rubric:: Props All **props** for :class:`QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: layout: Declaration of layout as described below. key_to_code: Optional Mapping from Element key to a single character representing that child in the layout string. .. rubric:: Usage Children will be laid out according to the layout argument. Each child is assigned a character code (by default, the first character of the key; this can be changed via the key_to_code prop). The layout argument describes pictorially where the child should be laid out. For example:: aabc aabd effg describes a layout of 7 children (labeled *a* to *g*) in a 3x4 grid. Child a occupies the top left 2x2 portion of the grid, child b occupies a 2x1 portion of the grid starting from the third column of the first row, etc. You can also leave certain spots empty using '_':: aa__ aabc .. code-block:: python :caption: GridView Example def render(self): return ed.GridView(layout=''' 789+ 456- 123* 00./ ''')( ed.Button("7").set_key("7"), ed.Button("8").set_key("8"), ed.Button("9").set_key("9"), ed.Button("+").set_key("+"), ed.Button("4").set_key("4"), ed.Button("5").set_key("5"), ed.Button("6").set_key("6"), ed.Button("-").set_key("-"), ed.Button("1").set_key("1"), ed.Button("2").set_key("2"), ed.Button("3").set_key("3"), ed.Button("*").set_key("*"), ed.Button("0").set_key("0"), ed.Button(".").set_key("."), ed.Button("*").set_key("/"), ) """
[docs] def __init__(self, layout: str = "", key_to_code: tp.Mapping[str, str] | None = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "layout": layout, "key_to_code": key_to_code, }, ) self._previously_rendered = None
def _initialize(self): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.underlying_layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) self.underlying.setLayout(self.underlying_layout) self.underlying_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.underlying_layout.setSpacing(0) def _clear(self): while self.underlying_layout.takeAt(0) is not None: pass def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): children = _get_widget_children(widget_trees, self) if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() # TODO I doubt this works if the layout prop changes. assert self.underlying is not None rows, columns, grid_spec = _layout_str_to_grid_spec(self.props["layout"]) if self.props["key_to_code"] is None: code_to_child = {c._key[0]: c for c in children if c._key and len(c._key) == 1} else: code_to_child = {self.props["key_to_code"][c._key]: c for c in children} grid_spec = [(code_to_child[cell[0]],) + cell[1:] for cell in grid_spec if cell[0] not in " _"] commands: list[CommandType] = [] if grid_spec != self._previously_rendered: commands.append(CommandType(self._clear)) for child, y, x, dy, dx in grid_spec: # Pyright doesn't get the following overloaded addWidget method for some reason? commands.append(CommandType(self.underlying_layout.addWidget, child.underlying, y, x, dy, dx)) # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003 self._previously_rendered = grid_spec commands.extend(super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying, None)) return commands
[docs] class TabView(_LinearView[QtWidgets.QTabWidget]): """Layout widget with multiple tabs. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Widget `QTabWidget <>`_ Each child of a :class:`TabView` will be the content of one tab. .. figure:: /image/tab_view.png :width: 300 A TabView with 2 children. It’s important for performance to :func:`Element.set_key` the child tabs if you dynamically add and remove child tabs. .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: labels: The labels for the tabs. The number of labels must match the number of children. """
[docs] def __init__(self, labels: tp.Sequence[str] | None = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "labels": labels, }, )
def _delete_child(self, i, old_child): # noqa: ARG002 assert self.underlying is not None self.underlying.removeTab(i) def _soft_delete_child(self, i, old_child: QtWidgetElement): # noqa: ARG002 assert self.underlying is not None self.underlying.removeTab(i) def _add_child(self, i, child_component): assert self.underlying is not None self.underlying.insertTab(i, child_component, self.props["labels"][i]) def _initialize(self): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QTabWidget() self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): children = _get_widget_children(widget_trees, self) if len(children) != len(self.props["labels"]): raise ValueError(f"The number of labels should be equal to the number of children for TabView {self}") if self.underlying is None: self._initialize() assert self.underlying is not None commands = self._recompute_children(children) commands.extend(super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying, None)) return commands
_T_customwidget = tp.TypeVar("_T_customwidget", bound=QtWidgets.QWidget)
[docs] class CustomWidget(QtWidgetElement[_T_customwidget]): """Custom widgets that you can define. Not all widgets are currently supported by Edifice. You can create your own base Qt Widget element by inheriting from :class:`QtWidgetElement` directly, or more simply by overriding :class:`CustomWidget`: .. code-block:: python class MyWidgetElement(CustomWidget[QtWidgets.FooWidget]): def __init__(self, text="", value=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "text": text, "value": value, } ) def create_widget(self): # This function should return the new widget # (with parent set to None; Edifice will handle parenting) return QtWidgets.FooWidget() def update(self, widget: QtWidgets.FooWidget, diff_props: PropsDiff): # This function should update the widget match diff_props.get("text"): case _propold, propnew: widget.setText(propnew) match diff_props.get("value"): case _propold, propnew: widget.setValue(propnew) The two methods to override are :func:`CustomWidget.create_widget`, which should return the Qt widget, and :func:`CustomWidget.update`, which takes the current widget and **props** diff, and should update the widget according to the new **props**. The custom widget inherits from :class:`QtWidgetElement`, allowing the user to, for example, set the style. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_widget(self) -> _T_customwidget: """ Create the widget on first render. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update(self, widget: _T_customwidget, diff_props: PropsDiff): """ Update the widget based on the diff_props. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self.underlying = self.create_widget() commands = super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying, None) commands.append(CommandType(self.update, self.underlying, diff_props)) return commands
[docs] class ExportList(QtWidgetElement): """ The root element for an App which does :func:`App.export_widgets`. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__()
def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], # noqa: ARG002 diff_props: PropsDiff, # noqa: ARG002 ): return []
### TODO: Tables are not well tested # > class Table(QtWidgetElement): # # > def __init__(self, # > rows: int, # > columns: int, # > row_headers: tp.Sequence[tp.Any] | None = None, # > column_headers: tp.Sequence[tp.Any] | None = None, # > alternating_row_colors: bool = True, # > ): # > self._register_props({ # > "rows": rows, # > "columns": columns, # > "row_headers": row_headers, # > "column_headers": column_headers, # > "alternating_row_colors": alternating_row_colors, # > }) # > super().__init__() # # > self._already_rendered = {} # > self._widget_children = [] # > self.underlying = QtWidgets.QTableWidget(rows, columns) # > self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) # # > def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate): # > assert self.underlying is not None # > commands = super()._qt_update_commands(children, newprops, newstate, self.underlying, None) # > widget = tp.cast(QtWidgets.QTableWidget, self.underlying) # # > for prop in newprops: # > if prop == "rows": # > commands.append(CommandType(widget.setRowCount, newprops[prop])) # > elif prop == "columns": # > commands.append(CommandType(widget.setColumnCount, newprops[prop])) # > elif prop == "alternating_row_colors": # > commands.append(CommandType(widget.setAlternatingRowColors, newprops[prop])) # > elif prop == "row_headers": # > if newprops[prop] is not None: # > commands.append(CommandType(widget.setVerticalHeaderLabels, list(map(str, newprops[prop])))) # > else: # > commands.append(CommandType(widget.setVerticalHeaderLabels, list(map(str, range(newprops.rows))))) # > elif prop == "column_headers": # > if newprops[prop] is not None: # > commands.append(CommandType(widget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels, list(map(str, newprops[prop])))) # > else: # > commands.append(CommandType(widget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels, list(map(str, range(newprops.columns))))) # # > new_children = set() # > for child in children: # > new_children.add(child.component) # # > for child in list(self._already_rendered.keys()): # > if child not in new_children: # > del self._already_rendered[child] # # > for i, old_child in reversed(list(enumerate(self._widget_children))): # > if old_child not in new_children: # > for j, el in enumerate(old_child.children): # > if el: # > commands.append(CommandType(widget.setCellWidget, i, j, QtWidgets.QWidget())) # # > self._widget_children = [child.component for child in children] # > for i, child in enumerate(children): # > if child.component not in self._already_rendered: # > for j, el in enumerate(child.children): # > commands.append(CommandType(widget.setCellWidget, i, j, el.component.underlying)) # > self._already_rendered[child.component] = True # > return commands
[docs] class ProgressBar(QtWidgetElement[QtWidgets.QProgressBar]): """Progress bar widget. .. highlights:: - Underlying Qt Widget `QProgressBar <>`_. A progress bar is used to give the user an indication of the progress of an operation. .. rubric:: Props All **props** from :class:`QtWidgetElement` plus: Args: value: The progress from :code:`min_value` to :code:`max_value`. min_value: The starting progress. max_value: The ending progress. format: The descriptive text format. See `format <>`_. orientation: The orientation of the bar, either :code:`Horizontal` or :code:`Vertical`. See `Orientation <>`_. If :code:`min_value` and :code:`max_value` both are set to *0*, the bar shows a busy indicator instead of a percentage of steps. """
[docs] def __init__( self, value: int, min_value: int = 0, max_value: int = 100, format: str | None = None, # noqa: A002 orientation: QtCore.Qt.Orientation = QtCore.Qt.Orientation.Horizontal, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._register_props( { "value": value, "min_value": min_value, "max_value": max_value, "orientation": orientation, "format": format, }, ) self._connected = False
def _initialize(self, orientation): self.underlying = QtWidgets.QProgressBar() self.underlying.setOrientation(orientation) self.underlying.setObjectName(str(id(self))) def _qt_update_commands( self, widget_trees: dict[Element, _WidgetTree], diff_props: PropsDiff, ): if self.underlying is None: self._initialize(self.props["orientation"]) assert self.underlying is not None widget = tp.cast(QtWidgets.QProgressBar, self.underlying) commands = super()._qt_update_commands_super(widget_trees, diff_props, self.underlying) match diff_props.get("orientation"): case _, propnew: commands.append(CommandType(widget.setOrientation, propnew)) match diff_props.get("min_value"): case _, propnew: commands.append(CommandType(widget.setMinimum, propnew)) match diff_props.get("max_value"): case _, propnew: commands.append(CommandType(widget.setMaximum, propnew)) match diff_props.get("format"): case _, propnew: commands.append(CommandType(widget.setFormat, propnew)) match diff_props.get("value"): case _, propnew: commands.append(CommandType(widget.setValue, propnew)) return commands